Meditation - we can all do it!

“I don’t know how to meditate” she whispered
“Well, I don’t have the time to meditate” her friend shared in exasperation.

Sound like a familiar conversation?

What if I told you your everyday activities could BE your meditation.

We all have the choice to look at our daily habits with a fresh perspective and to use this time differently.

Here are three strategies for using your existing routines as an exercise in meditation:

1) Washing your hair:

While you shampoo your hair, imagine that the shampoo is cleansing your entire being (internally and externally), removing anything that is not serving you. Just like you wash away the grime from the day, visualise the shampoo washing away any bad throughs, negativity, tension and anxiety you are holding internally.

After rinsing away the shampoo and feeling the release of all the internal ‘grime’ – you need to refill that void. Use the conditioner to bring trust and love through your body. As you are massaging the conditioner in, connect with yourself and visualise the energy of trust and love filtering through my body – filling the void of those things you washed away.

2) Housework:

While you are working away around the house or the yard, just be in the moment.

Focus on the activity you are doing and allow your mind to step through the actions your body is taking. Use a white noise CD or focus in on the sound of the vacuum cleaner. As your mind wanders, consciously bring it back to the activity. Connect with the sounds, feelings, smells.

3) Gardening:

Gardening is another ‘in the moment’ activity. As you pull out the weeds from the garden, visualise yourself pulling away the negative thoughts from the day and tossing them aside. Exhale as you pull out the weed, inhale as you toss them to the side.

As you water the flowers, fruits and vegetables, imagine yourself giving back to yourself – watering your strengths and talents.

Mowing the lawn? Focus on the noise of the mower, the vibration of the engine through your body and your feet connecting as your move forward. Visualise yourself moving through your day and into tomorrow – bring that fresh cut grass smell with you!

We put so much pressure on being able to meditate properly, and to receive a certain message, that we forget the most important gift from meditation is focusing on yourself.

So you see, we can all meditate in some form or another - anywhere. It is just creating time for you to go within and focus on you.

Live, laugh and love - and enjoy the time for you and taking time to meditate is a great tool that will support you to grow.

For more information on meditation or to book in for one of our meditations email :
j or phone: 0427024451


The Message


Simple Stress Management Strategies