The Message

Wow what an amazing experience connecting to my aboriginal spirit guide the other day. I received a message of “Honour the land and honour the food”. How relevant this experience would be in the next three days.

My sister and I were travelling to the Michael Roads 5 Day Intensive Workshop in Queensland and I hit a small kangaroo near Moree. The car was a little damaged and driving further on there was so many dead kangaroos on the side of the road I made mention to my sister that it almost looked like a massacre. My sister started to talk about the illuminate which brought up fear immediately in me.

We arrived safely at our destination and even found a man who managed to put the grill of my car back in to place. Once we had settled, we found our hosts and shared a beautiful dinner with them listening to beautiful music from Gurrumul Yunupingu. I shared with them my experience earlier in the week about my spirit guide connection.

We went to bed and I discovered I had a lot of pain in my lower back. During the night I had a dream of my daughter swinging on a swing crying for someone to help her off. It was an old rope swing with the knot on the end which you hung onto similar to the one you used to use at the river. Lots of children were around but no one was helping her. I ran to get her off and suddenly realised it was me on the swing and I instantly felt the feeling of being unsupported. I then awoke and realised my message - I can support myself! - I went back to sleep and had a restless sleep till morning.

When morning came all these messages came flooding in…to honour the land is to honour ME ….to honour the food is to honour SELF. THERE IS NOTHING OUTSIDE SELF!!!!!

The massacre I had observed along the side of the road is a symbol of life. We experience life including pain and suffering and we can observe this and stay focused on the road to arrive at our destination.

Hearing things that may take us on a detour in our journey can stop us moving forward especially when we don’t support ourselves in trust and love. Just sitting here listening to the birds and dogs barking, I realise they are also expressions of life. The distractions, the alternative routes we so often go on in our lives.

Yesterday just travelling here proved that I can reach my goals in life by “supporting myself and being the observer in experiences along the way”.


Meditation - we can all do it!